Racine Chiropractic & Wellness Center Blog

smiling lady

Winter Park Upper Cervical Chiropractic Doctor

Winter Park Upper Cervical Chiropractic Doctor Upper cervical chiropractic techniques address the parts of the spine located in the neck. There are seven vertebrae in the upper spinal column, which chiropractors define as C1 through C7, from the top down. The first bone, C1, is called the atlas because it supports the skull and head.…

smiling woman

Chiropractic Physician In Winter Park

Chiropractic Physician In Winter Park Chiropractic physicians focus primarily on the alignment of the spine, but that discipline can be used to treat a number of different conditions. The term specialists use is “subluxation,” which is the misalignment of a bone in the spinal column. It can be caused by any number of factors, from…

smiling doctor

Winter Park Car Accident Experts

Winter Park Car Accident Experts An injury to the back or neck is among the most common types of maladies suffered in a car accident. The jolting motion caused by a sudden stop can wrench vertebrae out of alignment and cause damage to the joints or discs as well. Whiplash is quite common, despite improved…

doctor educating patient

Chiropractic Medicine

Chiropractic Medicine Chiropractic techniques are based around the spinal column, which forms the central nervous system along with the brain. Nerve endings are connected to every other part of the body, and sometimes, when the vertebrae around the spine aren’t where they should be, they can affect the nerves elsewhere in the body. “…Nerve endings…

student with headache

Winter Park Insomnia Treatment

Winter Park Insomnia Treatment As it relates to chiropractic, insomnia treatment is designed to reduce pain and correct bad habits that may be contributing to sleeplessness. Often, insomnia is a temporary condition, in which case medication or a simple adjustment period can correct the problem. In other cases, physical therapy may be needed to address…

lower leg pain

Winter Park Leg And Knee Pain Relief

Winter Park Leg And Knee Pain Relief Relief from leg and knee pain can be trickier than it first appears. While an obvious injury has equally obvious solutions, it can be difficult to diagnose pain in that area, especially in the knee. Because of the heavy bone of the kneecap, x-ray diagnosis can be challenging,…